What a customer support!
Earlier today I requested a hosting support via live chat. I downloaded one of the template of them and trying
Qubee WiMAX, My review
Qubee WiMAX internet is the fast & reliable Internet connectivity for Bangladesh according to them. I know you are planning
Catfish to catch files in Ubuntu
Nautilus is the default file manager in Ubuntu. In Nautilus searching files is not easy. If you like GUI other
Mojo Help Desk is free & hosted
Help Desk provides users a single point of contact, to receive help on various computer issues. The help desk typically
Right Angle Retractor
Name: Double Bladed Right Angle Retractor or Langenberk’s Right Angle Retractor
Sterilization: By autoclaving
* To retract different layers
Deaver’s Retractor
Name: Deaver’s retractor
* During cholecystectomy, to retract the liver
* During cholecystectomy, to retract the loop of intestine &
Tooth dissecting forceps
Name: Tooth dissecting forceps
* To hold the skin during skin closure
* Diathermy coagulation
Plain dissecting forceps
Name: Plain dissecting forceps
* To hold the soft tissue – peritoneum, gut, blood vessel
* Blunt dissection with the blunt end
Babcock’s tissue forceps
Name: Babcock’s tissue forceps
Identification: Distal end is expanded and triangular.
* To catch hold the soft tissue such
Mosquito forceps
Name: Mosquito forceps / Small curved artery forceps / small curved mosquito artery forceps
Identification: Transverse serration throughout the blade
* To
Towel Clip
Name: Towel clip
* To fix the draping sheet during any operation
* To fix the sucker tube & diathermic cord
Sponge holding forceps
Name: Sponge holding forceps
Sterilization: Autoclave
* To catch hold the swab during washing
* To catch hold the fundus of