SBA Quiz

A hobby project to exercise the react knowledge with context API.
App has the following features so far...
- User registration, login, password reset
- Browsing the public quiz
- Browsing and filtering quizzes in quiz admin
- Quiz CRUD (todo), Quiz play (todo), etc.
Technology Used
- Frontend: React.Js, Bulma, CSS, HTML
- Backend: Directus
- Database: MySQL
What I did
For the frontend, I created react UI using Bulma CSS framework, custom Notification context API, written various custom react hooks for Axios client, user authentication, quiz admin, etc.
For the backend, I used Directus where I modeled all the databases tables. Directus has a js client but I have used the REST interface. Also configured authorization permission there. To learn more about Directus, click here.
Project URL:
Source code:
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